Photo copyright Denice Rovira Hazlett 2013
Our choices are like vehicles, carrying us either closer to or further from where we'd eventually like to go. What actions can you take today that will get you where you want to be five years from now? For me, there are at least three simple yet powerful things I can do to move toward my goals.
One is to let go of a great amount of social media newsfeed scanning. While I really enjoy the interaction with others, and I'm grateful for the lines of communication and points of connection social media sometimes opens, I also know that it's a huge, huge timesuck that I could be using to complete projects, learn skills, and foster face-to-face relationships.
The next is to make and keep a deliberate schedule. I have a terrible habit of waking up, grabbing my phone or laptop before I even get out of bed, and procrastinating by scanning through my Facebook newsfeed (see above). I'm much more productive when I force myself to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to work. Planning ahead for what I know will need to be done that day--and maybe even the next--will go a long way toward more productivity, which translates to a happier me.
Another is to stop allowing emotions to dictate how I spend my resources, whether time, money, or energy. I am a people-pleaser and affirmation junkie who is also very motivated by fear and guilt. It's time to let go of that and make reasonable choices that are beneficial for the longterm and not cave in to pressure that only alleviates the guilt and fear for the moment.
How about you? What three actions can you take today that will get you where you want to be five years from now?