The First Annual POESIES Open Poetry Slam Competition

You've heard of the Grammys, the Emmys and the Oscars. Now, get ready for


We're getting excited about The First Annual Poesies, Open Poetry Slam Competition, an all-ages, family-friendly open poetry competition coming up on May 5 from 7-10 pm! We have some great guest poets, including Rose M Smith and Rachel Wiley and some wonderful guest judges, like Leslie Crislip NielsenNathan MoorePeggy Gault-Gannon, and director of the Holmes County District Public Library, Bill Martino, all hosted by humor columnist John Lorson at the beautiful and spacious Jitters Coffee House in Millersburg, Ohio.

There will be cash prizes as well as fun and funky awards for the top three places, custom-made by Jan David Bowden of Bowden Bells & Garden Art, a gift basket for 1st place made by Bookworms Cafe and $5 gift certificates to Bookworms for all competitors. There's a cover charge of $5 ($3 for students) for all competitors and spectators, which will go toward the cash prizes. Check the Facebook event or for more information.

The first 20 poets to register on the evening of the event will compete for cash prizes and awards. Each of the three rounds will provide a 3-minute slot for each poet in that round. Poets will be judged based on content, presentation, and adherence to the rules. All poetry must be original and the property of the performing poet. Poets should come with three prepared pieces, in case they advance to the final round. 

It's sure to be a fabulous and entertaining evening for all, so make plans now to visit Ohio's beautiful Amish Country for this unique, high-energy event!

Denice HazlettComment