Something for Your Poet's Heart
I could read poetry aloud for hours and hours and hours if I had a captive audience. As a matter of fact, I need to allow myself to do that more often, whether it's Wordsworth or Levertov or Oliver or Poe, I need to let poetry pass through my lips, even if it's just for myself.
Think that's boring? Think it's no fun? Well, feast your eyes on this. Samuel Chelpka was only three when he asked his mother to read this Billy Collins piece to him over and over again. He caught the magic in it.
Maybe it's time for you to catch the magic in poetry, too? How about a virtual poetry jam! I'd love to see you read your favorite piece. Record yourself reading poetry and post it on your blog, and let me know you've done it in the comments below. I'll put mine up, too. Then, I'll choose one reader a week from today (February 18) to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
If Samuel Chelpka can do it, we can do it, too.