Buttery Homemade Caramels

Buttery Homemade Caramels

Yield: 4 dozen
Author: Denice Hazlett
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 20 MinInactive time: 1 H & 30 MTotal time: 1 H & 55 M
This recipe requires--in fact, demands--no stirring, with the minor exception of swirling cream and vanilla into the pot during the end stages. This is a life saver when you're doing multiple things during the holidays and don't want to babysit a bubbly pot of butter and sugar. They deliver a perfectly rich and creamy final product with very little fuss. Just make sure you have an accurate candy thermometer, a heavy-bottomed sauce pot, and an 8x8 pan lined with parchment paper.If you choose to click on the affiliate/advertiser links in my posts, I might make a small commission with no additional cost to you which helps me to keep doing what I love. I only share products and services that I use, support, and are in line with my ideals.


Buttery Homemade Caramels


  1. Line an 8X8-inch pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the butter, salt, corn syrup, sugar and 1 cup of the cream.
  3. Over low heat, warm the ingredients until the butter is melted. Gently stirring during this part is ok to help combine the ingredients - just take care not to stir too vigorously and splash the liquid high up on the sides of the pan; also, take care to use low heat for this step. Too high of heat can cause the ingredients to melt unevenly and cause the butter to separate.
  4. Once the ingredients are warmed and melted, increase the heat to medium-low (I keep my stovetop dial between a 3 and 4 the entire time; each stove is different so just keep an eye on the heat). Because these are no-stir caramels, too high of heat will burn the ingredients on the bottom. Moderate the heat of your stove so that the mixture maintains a simmer without burning. If you turn down the heat and the caramel stops simmering, simply increase the heat little by little until a good simmer is reached and then leave it there. You'll be good to go.
  5. Clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pan and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook, without stirring, until the mixture reaches 236 degrees F. Pour in the remaining 1 cup cream. Gently swirl the caramel once or twice with a wooden spoon or spatula to incorporate.
  6. Again, bring the mixture to a simmer (don't adjust the heat to sharply - I keep mine set the same as before) and cook until the thermometer registers 245 degrees F.
  7. Off the heat, carefully stir in the vanilla. It will bubble; just like before, just gently swirl with a spoon or spatula.
  8. Immediately pour the caramel into the prepared pan - don't scrape the sides, just tip the pan until no more drizzles out. Let the pan of caramels cool completely at room temperature before cutting into pieces.
  9. Wrap in wax paper
caramel, dessert, buttery, holiday, gift
dessert, christmas, holiday