Steel Cut Oats
Photo by Vegan Feast via Flickr.I'm terrible about eating breakfast. Awful. When I wake in the morning, I hit the ground running. I'm lucky if I remember to brew a cup of cinnamon tea, and then I'm lucky if I remember to take the strainer out, and then I'm lucky if I remember to drink it. Good thing cinnamon tea is delicious cold.
But to stop and eat breakfast? Nearly unheard of. My body, however, is beginning to protest. "No breakfast?" it grumbles. "Then no brains." And because I need my body to survive, because I need my brains to write, I have begun to take notice.
I love steel cut oats with a bit of butter, a puddle of syrup, a few islands of fresh berries. What I don't love? Keeping it company as it cooks. I wondered if steel cut oats could be tossed into my rice cooker and forgotten, kind of like cinnamon tea. So I did a little searching on the interwebs, and I found this recipe on Tastespotting. I made a batch this morning (I even remembered to eat it) and it's as simple as it sounds. My husband and I each downed a big earthenware bowl of the stuff, and now I'm hooked. It literally requires two minutes of your time, if you don't count scarfing it down.
1 part steel cut oats
3 parts water
pinch of salt for each cup of oats
Put oats, water and salt in rice cooker. Cook up to half the maximum capacity of the rice cooker, since oats seem to bubble up a lot more than rice.
Press “on.”
Top it with brown sugar and butter, or jam and syrup. Toss in some fruit, a few toasted pecans, maybe a dash of cinnamon, and you've got yourself a delicious breakfast.